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broken but blooming 

Thoughts, feelings, etcetera 

Blogs are weird. At the same time, they're super impressive and lovely and magical and so many other adjectives. Most people are somehow able to organize their thoughts and put together a string of beautiful words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs that accurately explain exactly what they're trying to say. How amazing is it to be able to perfectly transfer one's thoughts to paper (or I guess, in this case, to screen)? I don't know if my blog will be like those other blogs. Truthfully, I don't really know what this blog will be at all... but I guess like everything, I'll figure it out. 


Then again, that thought often plagues me: will I figure it out? What if I don't? How am I supposed to figure out something that's so confusing, my brain feels like it might explode? I'm not just talking about this blog, obviously. Blogs shouldn't be that complicated, and maybe this is just a "me" problem --- I always make a big deal out of things, bigger than they really need to be. I'm talking about life, here, though. How does anyone figure it out? Better yet, does anyone ever really, fully figure it out? Or are we all just destined to be always floundering? How does anyone ever act like they have it all together? How does anyone ever act like they're not broken?


I honestly wish I had the answers to all of these questions (and more). A possible, universal answer could be this: maybe it's because just like me, everyone is and always will in some way be broken. Truly, sadly, and completely broken. Or incompletely. But maybe, just like me, despite their brokenness, everyone is blooming. 


xoxo, Mag

I'm Mag, a girl doing her best to make it through this crazy thing we all call life --- trying (yet most often times failing) to successfully navigate her early twenties. This blog is a small attempt to sort out everything going inside what I wish more than anything was a normal brain... but then again, does anyone have a normal brain? I guess it's also a way to help me put my English (Writing and Rhetoric) degree to good use. I don't know; I guess this blog is just me trying to organize my thoughts, feelings, and confusions --- and, above all, to try to make sense of them all. 


I'm not really sure what this "making sense of it all" is going to involve exactly. Most posts are probably going to follow some kind of stream-of-consciousness format. They're probably going to be really random ---- almost as random and sort of weird as my VSCO posts (p.s. click the heart next to "broken but blooming"!!!). I don't really know. I do know, however, that it's going to be personal and real. My thoughts are constantly moving so fast. My feelings are constantly suffocating. My confusions are constantly evident. Maybe this blog will help me to calm them all down ---- to tell them that it's okay, that it's all going to be okay. 


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